Anthony J Fischetto
Alpha Omega Counseling Center, USA
Title: “Believe me i’m not lying†the issues of malingering and deception in mental health patients
Biography: Anthony J Fischetto
Malingering is fabricating or exaggerating the symptoms of mental or physical disorders for a variety of "secondary gain" motives, which may include fi nancial compensation (oft en tied to fraud); avoiding school, work or military service; obtaining drugs; getting lighter criminal sentences; or simply to attract attention or sympathy. Malingering is diff erent from somatization disorder and factitious disorder. Failure to detect actual cases of malingering imposes a substantial economic burden on the health care system, and false attribution of malingering imposes a substantial burden of suff ering on a signifi cant proportion of the patient population. In today’s lecture we will learn how to detect malingering.
1. Describe malingering and deception in mental health patients.
2. Diff erentiate the various forms of malingering/deception in mental health patients.
3. Explain clinical skills needed to detect malingering and deception in mental health patients.
4. Review objective tests used for detection of malingering in mental health patients