Ekin Ozcan
Ankara University, Turkey
Title: Evaluation of handwriting differences between native language, a foreign language and an unknown language in terms of forensic sciences
Biography: Ekin Ozcan
Being a consciously done movement, writing starts with the imitation of the letters, it gradually continues with shaping of the personal esthetic emotions of the letter images appearing in the mind of the person writing it. Maturity of one’s handwriting in other saying shaping of the character depends on the learnt writing system, school, teacher, profession, time, setting and, personal and cultural competency of the writer. Frequency of the use of writing and professional life requiring writing affects the maturity level of writing. The purpose of this study is to observe the reflection of handwriting samples, which have been gotten from the texts that persons have written in their native language, an already-known foreign language and unknown language, on language dominance thorough evaluation of the forensic document parameters. 60 volunteer participants whose mother tongues use Latin alphabet, have written the same text given in their mother tongue, an already-know foreign language and unknown language using the standard white A4 size paper, same brand and model of 0.5 mm black pen. Factors like inclination, sketching, continuity, pen pressure, pacing, tidiness, and punctuation and caption styles have been evaluated three times repeatedly by the same researcher with the repeated-measure method on average values SPSS 16.0 program through analyzing starting-ending gaps, tracking, capitalization, letter length line blanking and capital letter size with LED loop table lamp, functional magnifying glass and digital compass. Eventually, a meaningful difference have been found in sketching, pacing and punctuation parameters (respectively; p=0,001 and p=0.002). The level of language dominance used in the writing affects sketching, pacing and punctuation. These criteria have a great role for determining the frequency of use of writing in daily life in forensic document.