Jitendra Kumar
Maulana Azad Medical College, India
Title: Age estimation using intraoral radiography of the root pulp and periodontal ligament of the lower third molar in age group of 15 to 30 years in the population of Delhi
Biography: Jitendra Kumar
Currently, mainly due to problems arising from globalization, forensic age estimation becomes increasingly important. In fact, in a developing country like India with doubtful information regarding their birth dates also increasing problem of both inter-state migration and migration from neighboring countries makes forensic age estimation necessary in several contexts, mainly in the course of criminal, civil, or asylum proceedings. We usually require determining age older to 14, 16, 18 or 21 year. For this we do a clinical examination, performing anthropometric measures and assessment of sexual maturity signs; X-ray radiography of the epiphyseal ends of long bones; a dental evaluation with a clinical examination and analysis of an orthopantogram (OPG); an X-ray examination or CT scan of the clavicle when hand skeletal development is completed. In these situations, to determine age beyond 18 years, third molars are the only teeth able to provide valuable information, since all the remaining teeth have finished their developmental process. To overcome the above problem some alternate methodologies have been proposed. One of which is the use of Stage H of the eight-grade Demirjian scheme to assess the mineralization process of third molar. It was found to be useful for diagnosing an age equal to or older than 18 years, in both males and females.Olze et al referred to the use of the periodontal ligament in lower third molars as potential age estimation criterion. The result indicated stage 3 of periodontal ligament visibility could be used to state that a male is over 21 year of age. Olze et al described another methodology, using radiographic visibility of the root pulp in the lower third molars. According to the authors, this methodology can be useful for determining an age over 18 years. In the present study we are going to observe and stage changes in root pulp as well as periodontal ligament of lower third molar in age group of 15 to 30 years, and analyze results in order to determine the suitability of this methodology in forensic age assessment.